Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter weekend

The blog has been sadly neglected and I have no excuse other than the weather having kept us busier than usual at this time of year.
Compare the following photos:
End of March 2011


Hard to believe that the beginning of April can be so very different. The first of the tulips are blooming:

The rhubarb is growing enthusiastically:
 The trees are turning green

Average temperatures for this time of year are upper 40s- mid 50s ( 9-13C) yet, this year, we have already seen 85F (30C), allowing us to start fencing where normally the ground would still be frozen solid. In the vegetable garden, normally one of the last places to rid itself of snow drifts, garlic is already 6" high and someone has been busy planting weeds! We have not been tempted to start anything yet as we are all to aware of the fact that there will still be night time freezes and snow is not unknown in April in South Dakota. This may be the first year that we are able to plant potatoes by Easter, though.

We expected lambing to be a slow and leisurely experience this year as we have young first time bucks. Combined with several first time ewes we are quite happy to let them take their time. Nigel and Fred were obviously up to the job because at the earliest possible date our first lambs arrived. It is a worrying and exciting time of year to see the babies doing well and to see other problems arise. First time mothers can be a problem and a couple forgot about their first born by the time they had cleaned and cared for their second born. We always put the ewe and her lambs in a small pen so they can spend 3 days bonding peacefully. One ewe had already trodden on one of her lambs before we could get to her, and Dorothy became our first bottle lamb of the season, needing extra care with her broken leg. Other than the leg she is a feisty little thing and is doing well with her splint. Two of our ewes sadly died and gave us 2 other bottle lambs, Toto and Fred. Eight other lambs are healthy and running round with their mothers.

We developed a slightly different system for lambing this year that seems to be working well. At the back of the barn we have set up the small individual pens. Halfway down the barn we have set up another barrier that includes one side of the automatic waterer and one side of the creep feeder. When the ewes are released from their small pens, we band the lambs and leave them in this new large  pen. They can get to water without us having to fill buckets for them, the babies are encouraged to find the creep feeder, yet they are all in the safety and calmness of this larger pen. Babies learn to find their mothers amongst several ewes but none have to compete with the crowd the other side of the barrier, and we can keep an eye on them without having to peer through 128 legs. When we are sure that mother and babies are doing well they are released back to the flock, a flock that is looking very healthy after such a mild winter:.

Each year we worry about keeping our male animals away from the females until the beginning of November, a real concern for us as we have no desire and no adequate facilities for lambing in the middle of winter. We no longer have a stud horse and, as we will have no more foals, we have no need to use the pen to the west of the house as a maternity ward for the mares. Next to the pen there is an old granary, still in good shape as well as an entire area of grass and shrub that we have never put to use. We have started pulling down the old fencing and will expand the pen to include the granary as our new Bachelor Pad. The existing fencing was in bad shape and barbed wire is not necessarily the best way to keep in headstrong, testosterone- strong sheep or goats, so we will replace it all with electric fence. There is no electricity out to that part of the property so we have invested in a nice new solar powered fencer that was made to power much larger areas than our pen, so we will have no problem keeping this sized area zapping powerfully! When this horrendous wind subsides we will be able to finish the fencing and move the boys out to their new area. We are thinking of moving Anita's old mare out with them for a while as there is so much good grass and she has been responding well to the extra care and attention she received all winter.

Last year we planted gooseberry bushes and currant bushes, the early spring weather has each of them budding and we are happy that not one has died. In a few years time our harvest of fruit should be bountiful and varied as all the blackberry bushes and elderberries are are also doing well. We will have to keep an eye on them as the weather forecast predicts freezing night time temps this coming week. Hopefully the apple and cherry trees will hold off blossoming till after the freeze.

Spring has sprung, even in South Dakota and whether you believe in Easter or Eostra, the oldest pagan symbol of fertility,we have much to be thankful for. Healthy babies, healthy soil ready to produce and, importantly, our health that allows us to do so much outdoors. However you celebrate this weekend, we hope you will take the time to count your blessings and enjoy your friends and family. Life is often better than we realise!

From left to right Toto, Fred and Dorothy, all managing to eat from the bucket!

 Fred is much pushier than Toto, but nobody seems to knock Dorothy off the nipple:

Feeding time for the bottle lambs but everyone else follows, don't want to miss anything!

Toby, the ultimate opportunist uses his time wisely to eat hay attached to Phylleigh's tail

Trying to get the bottle lambs curious about solid food

Toto finally gets a turn at the bucket

The other lambs are getting more playfully independent

they still hop skip and jump when Mama calls


  1. It makes me tired to even read about it all! Such a crazy Spring...hope the rest of goes well! You still have more does and ewes to drop babies?

  2. waiting for another 21 but I suspect they didn't cycle with the first bunch.

  3. WOW! lotso babies :)
    (still trying to figure out how to get that little buckling...he's GORGEOUS)

  4. He is still 'intact' if you can find a way up here!
